Causes of Sciatic Nerve Pain and Effective Treatments

Sciatic nerve is considered to be the longest and widest nerve in human body. It runs throughout the whole lower body after starting from lower back. The main purpose of this nerve is to supply sensation to the skin of whole lower leg as well as to the foot. Not only that, it also innervates the muscles in the posterior compartment of the leg and foot. Sciatic pain or sciatica is the pain due to compression in the sciatic nerve caused by any problem in the lower back. Poor hip bones conditions, lumber spinal stenosis and muscular hypertension are some of the major causes for the pain in the sciatic nerve. Causes of sciatica Nerve Pain Sometime sciatica get intensely painful and patient have to struggle to make any movement. To get rid of the sciatic pain and to stay in the game, keeping the hip and back muscles strong is a key. Exercises and use of foam-rollers reduce the pain and help in strengthening the muscles. Physiotherapist usually prescribes medications and stretches f...